To jedosta. Sardela to jedosta

No Angels

Nick: Have No Angels got any sort of fan-base outside Germany? I ask merely because if they haven’t, they’re in for a pretty difficult 45 minutes starting at about 11:15CET next Saturday night…

Phil: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. That is all.

Roy: Y’see, what my fellow correspondents are failing to tell you, cos they’re listening, but not watching, is that there appears top be some weirdness on the Germanic front. Three of the gals were all dolled up in their fineries (fine being a decidedly relative term in this case), but one, who may or may not have been the last member, was not. More to the point, she shuffled around stage awkwardly in a vest and skirt combo, singing only occasionally, and not looking like she was meant to be there. When she did finally get a couple of lines to herself, the massed rank Germans hooted and hollered, like they were in on some joke the rest of us knew nought about. Was she a stand in? And if so, what’s up with t’other one? And if she was who she is supposed to be, what’s up? These are the probing questions the other kids miss, innit!