Well the coverage from Copenhagen hasn’t been even so I was bound to miss a few. Here’s a piece of hard crusty Danish bread to mop up the leftovers…
ooh what’s all this about? In fact I can’t even work out what species is on stage…It’s not Greek though and it’s not former in any respect though it might well become extinct after Thursday 8th… This reminds me of the kind of rehearsals that used to send me into a rant when I attended such things and was I in Copenhagen right now, my fellow bloggers would have to run for cover. Not a chance of a Saturday outing for this. Stick to the power ballads…
If I praised Malta I’ve got to be consistent and like this though it does appear at times like he’s whistling out of his a**e. I rather like it though and surprised the Lewisham preview contingent by giving it maximum marks. They should have known me better really, in fact I seem to remember Mr Faulkner did. Truthfully though I don’t think they’ll be finalists which makes the other countries’ tasks simpler. Shame though. Hard Swiss cheese m’fraid…
This is like the musical equivalent of a hangover. Pure shite. Everything about it just makes me want to scream. I know they’re short of a bob or two in Greece but surely they had enough to hire a few singers from the Greek dole queue on the cheap? Serves them right if it qualifies and wins which it might just…
Needs a lot of work this one. Oh dear. The favourable draw can’t hurt it but remember Na Na Na was performed last in 2003 and that was always going to end in tears. There’s a good song here struggling to get out and if our singer doesn’t sit on it, it might just make it and earn them a 20th placing in the final.
This pair with their f**kin piano and flames. No prizes for guessing what I want to do with the flames and it involves two smoldering skeletons! Death is too good for this pair. I hope they get reincarnated as themselves so they have to live with their awfulness for ever…Unfortunately Europe has shown that it’s pretty tasteless and the last place in the draw will probably mean I’ll need to throw things at the screen on Saturday night as well as Thursday..