Thanks to the guys already in Baku sending back the rehearsal clips, excellent work.
Not going to try to describe each one as there are already some great reviews here on this first day but just a few musings..
I was kind of eating my own words this morning when I saw Montenegro, “just a technical run through” I was trying to tell myself yet all I could think was “what an absolute dog’s dinner”. He looked like a drunk guy on the way home from the pub almost being mugged by the dancers. It’s a shame this opens the first semi, hope the viewers stick with it! Scott Mills will probably talk over it anyhow…
Iceland was as slick as you like and looks like they’ve already nailed it one the first run through! Great! This is knocking on the door of my overcrowded top 3 and I’d be delighted seeing it go through. After the mess before it should! They do love their blue backdrops in Iceland don’t they? Cool, calm and classy!
Greece did look a bit disjointed, maybe she’s worrying about the political situation back home? Am sure they will tighten it all up by next week and there are always votes for them, aren’t there? I too am left a bit cold by this or should I say numbed from the years of listening to this same song regurgitated over and over again!
Anmary from Latvia still looked like she’s having fun with this though they did look a bit lost on stage. Maybe the shock of the size of it threw them a bit beings as Latvian tele have only got a tiny one? It’s light and fun and the backdrop is striking but is it going to get many votes? I so want to be one of her backing girls though, they were flouncing like the best of them!
Ooh the Albanian girl belted that out didn’t she? I LOVE this though am worried it’s a little hard to digest on first listen. Loved the simple staging of this and the lighting is working a treat. Same can’t be said for the rack off snooker balls sur la tete. I wonder if she’ll have the full set by May26th? Soaring ballad for me and I want this in the final.
The Romanian performance is rehearsed within an inch of its life, you could almost hear the boys counting their steps but it looks lively and fun and I like the twink in the blue shirt!! Summer hit in the making and pissing on Greece’s bonfire just now.
Rosé xx