Iceland – Bloody hell fire yes

Whoever said that the Eurovision of 2013 is “a bit shit” is clearly a) right and b) right but in the wrong way.

I would say that the songs are clearly better in this the second semi final and Iceland goes to prove it.  Once again they have polished this song into a contender.  Eyesore, or what ever his name is, gives a crackingly emotional performance.  His look hasn’t changed, but Roy thinks he doesn’t needs a white preachers suit, and I think that he doesn’t need to look that earnestly into the camera with the overblown hand gestures … but aside from that, it’s doing business in a way that Jonsi should have done in Istanbul.

He clearly heard me typing this (a good skill) because he changed into his black wedding suit for the last rehearsal and looked 100% better – well done RUV for preempting what I write!

The difference between Jonsi’s song and this one is clear: its about 50% better and less acted and more sung. Eythor looks to believe what he is singing, and therefore makes me believe it, despite not knowing a word of Icelandic (like most of Europe).

This song has jury sponge written through it and televoter friends…..  Yeah, watch it climb!!

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11 years ago

I think this will qualify.
The basis of this is that my wife (who is not a Eurovision fan at all) was subjected to all 39 songs, and this is the only one she said she liked. When she says that, it usually does well.

Darren, Berkshire, UK

11 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I am with Mrs Darren of Berkshire, because it was the only one I REALLY liked on first hearing. I’ve now heard all songs 41 times, but most voters won’t have gone to such lengths.