Iceland – It’s the Minipops (well one of them)

Dear RUV, can you get your styling och consulting people to stop making Maria look like a 10 year old Emillie De Forest on stage and make her look like a 22 year old woman!!

This is a bad idea. She looks very lost on stage and the backing singers (of which Hera Bjork will be one for the next rehearsal day) are so far away they are not helping her and could well give her a complex. She sounds very weak and the backing singers do not seem to be helping or lifting her, both vocally or morale wise. I’m not sure which constituency she is aiming at but it might be the “Dirty old man” if we are not careful.

It’s 3 minutes of fluff and nonsense that the fan boys may well like, but the juries will not and I don’t think she is engaging enough with people in order to get the big points and it ends with a Charlotte Perelli flick of the hair to the camera to 0 effect. This is in real trouble.