Iceland – Unfrozen

I’ve been sitting here thinking, great set, gorgeous set. Mountains. A rocky floor with glimpses of lava through the cracks below. Northern lights floating around the icy frozen sky. What a shame Maria’s voice sounds like it belongs on the soundtrack of a Disney movie or something. What a waste of a beautiful stage that looks like it could come out of a Disney movie, to dress it up like some Disney princess and put it with a simple song that could come out of a Disney movie.

Then I slapped myself, quite theatrically, around the head and had the biggest “duh” moment of my life. Umm, yes, that IS kind of the point Nick, well done for spotting the most ubiquitous cultural reference of 2014, yes indeed well done you.

Kids who enjoy Disney movies also enjoy saying PLEEEEEASE CAN I VOTE FOR THE PRINCESS? PLEEEAASSSSSSSSSSSE?????????? There’s your target demographic. And if it doesn’t win here (spoiler – it won’t WIN, no) there’s a home for it on the soundtrack of Frozen 3 without a doubt.