I like a man with a beard, and Iceland serves us up a whole stage full of them. Visually this is a riot of colour on screen with the Pollapönk singers each in their own palette and the backdrop spewing primary and pastel relentlessly. You really notice the floor on this one, it has blocks of colour that spin and swirl and fill the whole picture with brightness. It’s just a shame about the song.
I always support a message of tolerance, and goodness knows this year we need one with some of the extra-curricular activities and attitudes we’ve seen surrounding the Eurovision at least. This is just too simplistic a message though. It’s a great lively track though, and I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if this qualified, even though personally I wouldn’t have it through. It’s one of the songs that works much better with the switch to English, unlike the song that’s up next, Albania.
Monty x