Roy and Franko have pootled off to the Olympic Stadium where there’s a game on right this minute… no there isn’t, Roy and Franko have pootled into the press centre telling me that AEK-Xanthi kicks off at eight local time. I’m not going, even though I’m severely tempted… no, no, NO. I went to my last football match in Feb 1995, Oxford United won 2-1 against my crappy little Cambridge United, and it’s going to take more than AEK-Xanthi at the Olympic Stadium to tempt me.
Silvia wasn’t the Silvia we so enjoyed on Friday, for me … song performance about the same, but she didn’t act up in the same manner between run-throughs. I’m suspicious. I’m tempted not to hang around for her press conference, because it’ll be widely reported elsewhere and Phil’s tempting me with a return visit to Goodys. Mmm, tempt, tempt, tempt… deal.
Will hang around a bit before I head off though – Phil’s already gone back to our luxury hovel as he needed a little bit of downtime. Fair enough, says I, as tomorrow morning is going to be hell. I’ve seen the running order!
And with that, Thunderbird 5 signs off for the night. It’s going well, isn’t it?