25 June – Were you from the streets of Paris

The home entrant. It could be disappointing if you like travelling. Especially if you miss out on a place warm and sunny. Or it means you might be able to go home between rehearsals.

If you were Irish in the 1990s, the chances were you were the home entrant. It meant sticking to the real Dublin (or Millstreet) bars, getting away from the loud foreigners, probably being recognised in restaurants, and maybe getting the odd free/discounted meal. It was ironic that as the home entrant, today’s birthday boy Marc Roberts (né Seán Hegarty) was singing about being in an airport. Maybe he did want to be the Irish entrant when not in Ireland. And where is the gulf or Araby anyway? Marc finished second – the best place for the home entrant from the broadcaster’s point of view. And he only got one maximum – guess where it was from. Nevertheless, if it wasn’t for three other island nations, he would have scored off everyone. Maybe they were wondering where the gulf of Araby was too.

Marc is 52 today.

Lá breithe sona duit/Happy birthday, Marc!