30 May – Love will capture you whole with your body and soul

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The great thing about our favourite TV show is that it’s full of people who do nothing but try. They find favour in their country, they tour Europe, they put up with interview after interview. And they put their hearts on the line for us to judge them. They love what whey do.

Talking of love, that’s what most songs are about. Falling in it, falling out of it. And a song that used that one word as a song title was co-performed by today’s birthday girl and boy Donna and Joe McCaul. They went all the way from central Ireland to sunny Kyiv to participate in a semi-final. As it is with semi-finals, they are a bloodbath, and the McCauls couldn’t quite make the leap to the Grand Final, even with a maximum from a neighbouring country. We know they enjoyed the experience, but it’s possible they were upstaged by a certain dancey incident at one of the press conferences. It’s on Youtube.

Donna is 40 and Joe is 35 today.

Lá breithe shona duit/Happy birthday, Donna & Joe!

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