There are members of this esteemed panel that think that this song is the best thing they have ever seen – including the esteem-ed Mr Boswell – they are, however, totally wrong. It is the biggest pile of horse manure I have ever seen. Joe, bless him, comes on stage, looking like a little lost boy, having women fawning all over him – sings a song about Love with his Sister and thinks he is the bees knees. Donna does all of the singing – if one can call it that. They havefour Dancers that do the Irish soft shoe shuffle and Irish Dancing. It is really bad – but not in a Belgian sense! – I think it ranks with Spain 1983 and Celebrate as the worst stage performances ever. It will, though, get the punters watching and , according to others, make the Final and even, dare they say it, win the whole contest!! – They are on LSD and know nothing – do not look into his eyes – he is Devil spawn and will hypnotise you to vote for him – do not fall for it.