Phil: It is what it is … and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I guess … He does everything that you would expect the turkey to do, and there is lots of dancing and light choreography (choreographed lights as opposed to a lack of choreography) and big big dresses and a wheelie bin, and a scrolling thing at the front of him which he may or may not had at the Irish Final. Even though I and many others totally despise the song – when you actually sit and listen to it, it raises a smirk on the face and makes you chuckle to yourself. Whether that is enough to get Europe to vote for it … debatable.
Nick: It’s got everything you could wish for in a song. Irish dancing, a catchy chorus, a hairdrier for a wind machine, and a list of countries so incoherent that I’m still not sure whether it includes the one he was allegedly asked not to mention. And there’s even something for the turophiles among us at the end. A miracle of nature in every way. Remember, kids, we were here yesterday, and everything we see today is obviously qualifying. In a respectful and caring way.