Now, seeing that video still of the Irish rehearsal immediately made me think of Scrabble. I recognise those letters, I’ve had their ilk on my rack many many times recently. In this instance, I think I’d probably play YOKUL first move with the L on centre; a nice 32 point play keeping IN for later, you can’t really argue with it.
That brings me onto this evening, because Friday is my Scrabble club night and it’s going to take more than a few second rehearsals to keep me away from that. I have my priorities, and you lot come *way* down the pecking order! 🙂
I’ll be leaving my position here at about 16:00 UK time, and that’ll be your lot for the day (unless Russian broadband engineers are more reliable and efficient than their British counterparts, and the OnEurope hovel finally gets connected to the world today as scheduled)
Probably means I ought to consider getting on with it and writing some stuff round about nowish, in preference to musing on whether the Dervish Scarecrows ought to look more like Chiara or more like… well, like Cathy Dervish, really. She really would scare the blackbird.