8 October – Another touch won’t be another bruise

You may recall last year we said that there had never been any Eurovision singers’ birthday of note (that we knew of) on this date, and then two came along at once. We celebrated one last year, so it’s the other one’s turn.

Today’s birthday boy קובי מרימי/Kobi Marimi occupied one of those special places – a home entrant. His national broadcaster probably didn’t want him to win, but would have put a brave face on things if he had. After all, hosting a Eurovision is an expensive business, even if you do get help from elsewhere. Nevertheless, Kobi had a huge home support, and even had trouble holding it together to sing his classy little ballad. Needless to say, he didn’t have to bother with the potential ignominy of a semi-final, as he was grouped the the legendary Big Five. Luckily, he beat two of them. And scored a maximum off the Finnish televote.

Kobi is 29 today.

!יום הולדת שמח קובי