At least I think that’s what the Israeli singer is singing. It’s hard to imagine a greater contrast between the first three performers and songs that we’ve had today. But again like the last one this is a very strong contender that you’d have to bet money on making the final cut. He’s got a winning smile and a great voice and this is Israel clearly in we want to do well in this contest mode for the first time in a few years.
Simple works best with this kind of song and that’s what the Isarelis wisely do. Our star singer stands centre stage and belts it out whilst two backing singers and an accompanying pianist bring up the rear. He needs to watch one or two of those high notes. He’s making them at the moment just about but there’s potential there for all sorts of nastiness on the big night if nerves kick in.
So far it’s looking good though.
Nick: Europe, I have a confession. I’ve not been giving Harel my full attention this morning. I have instead been indulging in a little session of creative paperwork with spreadsheets and printers and folding and tearing. No gluing, though, that’s a bit advanced for the likes of me. It will have long-term benefits, though!
Back to Harel – and I still don’t really get it. Hebrew’s too impenetrable. Harel’s standing there emoting like mad and pouring his heart out and I’m sat here looking him and thinking “I don’t understand a word of this. Are you ill? Have you been decorating and accidentally hit your thumb really hard with an Israeli hammer, is that what you’re telling me? I can’t get what you’re saying!”
Languages are a gift. But sometimes they’re a barrier. Let’s leave the language barrier to one side for a moment. I still don’t really get it even when I have translated lyrics in front of me. Some notes in some run-throughs were more than a little strained, too. Several worthy songs are going to not qualify from this semi, purely by accident. I still think this is in the frame to be one of them.