If someone has the Israeli head of Delegations number…..

Someone needs to call them and say the following phrase

“Get her out of that ridiculous dress immediately!!”

It’s not a dress contest, I grant you, but the first thing that strikes you is ” Why is my maths teacher singing in Hebrew on the screen?” –  She’s got the NF dress on  and it was a mistake then, and its still a mistake now!! With a dress from Primark and some Specsavers glasses, this COULD be a great song, however Joe Public are just going to look at the dress, and the plunge of her Cleavage and go ” ooooh no, really?, Fashion Faux Pas”

Her look totally detracts from a half decently sung half decent ballad however, if this stays in this look and is presented in a negative way and I think NickD has just summed it up nicely

“The song’s called Rak Bishvilo. Now, one thing you can do with a rack is to park a bicycle, which you could also do next to a dustbin… yes that’s right, you’ve won Dusty Bin!”

this could be accidental last, purely because people forgot to vote for it.

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11 years ago

I will help her out of that dress.