Phil: Huzzah – They fixed the sound… unfortunately we can still hear Boaz …
We can now – but with Feedback … still, it might add to the experience..
And what an experience it is….. He performs in the middle of the devil horns that the stage is made out but he does seem to be trying a little bit too hard with the high notes (or what we can hear of them). Ultimately, there is no backing singer choreography, which is a bit….. Wait a minute, there is choreography … they all move to the front of the stage at the end but, from what we can see, there is no hands up in the air moment – which is slightly disappointing.
Vocally, as I have said, and bear in mind I am getting this from the press centre ( With the sumptuous leather chairs …) he does seem to be straining far far Far too much for my liking in this one … though it has been pointed out that it is not an easy song to sing and surely that would mean that an experienced singer might have been better?? – Yes, I know he is pop Idol in Israel, but is that all that is needed in this song?? Me thinks not …
Nick: Better news in the press centre – we have some sound. The downside of this, of course, is that we have some sound. Never mind.
To be honest, the sound levels are overloading the feed so we can’t really tell what we should be hearing as of yet from Boaz. I utterly refuse to judge it on the basis. However, the backing singers seem to do a bit of slightly camp skipping around the stage at a key moment in the song, which looks rather odd.
Stage is mostly blue for this one, it starts looking with the twin rivers looking like a pair of devil horns and continues with red and white things drifting around the set pretty much for the duration.
Franko: Hmm. Never my favourite song to begin with. How can I describe his singing? Well people of the Israeli persuasion usually have a very delicate operation at a young age and it’s like the knife slipped and accidentally sliced off too much. There’s certainly a few bum notes in there. Five boy backers do a bit of skipping behind him to try and excite the aforementioned 90% of the press contingent. Drawn second though you’d have to enter something that will stand out and entertain and whereas last year’s Israeli second drawn song was a delight in both senses and still didn’t qualify, this year’s fails on both counts. He barely moves during the song himself and doesn’t have the stage presence that such a performance would need.
A safe bet for non qualification