There’s a sentence I’ll never again utter….
Is it a wheat field? Is it a cornfield? Is it a meadow? Does it really matter? This looks lovely and Richard and Michelle sound strong and look like they’re having fun. I don’t usually like a static band setting on stage with the mobile cameras running back and forth in front of the band as it can appear too crowded and busy. However here with the stunning backdrop adding oodles of depth that camerawork works. This is charming and a great way to open the second semi.
Oh blimey! I think I have a new favourite! Maybe it’s the fact we had hours of Israeli fun last night with Eurofalsh or maybe it’s just the strutting but I just LOVE this. Actually thinking about it of course it’s the strutting. Mei and the girls strut wonderfully and manage to cover every inch of that stage to great effect. Everything about this is perfect from the starting shot filmed from the back with dramatic shadow effect to the long shots opening the choruses where the backdrop really comes to life. The ‘money’ shot is on the first break when the girls begin their strut. Did I mention they strut? God this deserves to qualify on Thursday and get a nice late draw. What’s the Hebrew for dark horse?
Dark Horse in Hebrew is: Sus Shachor:)