Not so good. Not so good.

2006 Eurovision logo

Only saw a couple of run-throughs of Israel, and he seems to be trying a bit harder and it’s not helping. Even with my tone-deafness, I discerned distinct sharp tones in a voice that was velvety-smooth yesterday. I really couldn’t listen to him all day this time, you know. Performance wise, they’re all in very white white suits and dresses (as appropriate for the respective individuals), there’s an early shot of Eddie sitting on the piano where the soles of his shoes are in very clear shot, so my tip for the day is “Eddie, mate… don’t tread in anything on your way to the stage”.

Latvia, meanwhile… again, not as soothing and smooth as they were yesterday. They’re nice, the robot gimmick is clearly the curse of number four, where people try oilcans and little robots and stilt-walkers and being tied up in pink ribbons and… well, more often than not it DOESN’T HELP. The production crew helpfully helped out the guys in deciding on a starting point, by playing them in with the Lithuanian postcard, which is all rocks and mountains and aerial shots of motorways. Sadly, the guys didn’t pick up the theme by delivering an a capella version of ‘We Are The Winners‘, which is fair enough because they’re not, they’re not.

That’ll be lunchtime, then, according to the man to my immediate right. See you, bye!