The Big Five often get criticised for being able to make the final and – according to some – put in substandard songs. Every country has off years, and of course even the Big Five can put in crackers of songs.
Today’s choice is a cracker of a song from one of the Big Five. Admittedly, in 1984 when today’s birthday girl Alice (née Carla Bissi) sang with her stalker Franco Battiato, there was no such thing as a Big Five. Her song finished equal fifth overall and second out of the Big Five. Big Fiver Spain beat Italy – now there’s something that rarely happens in the 21st Century – even though Alice and Franco had the benefit of three opera singers to help them out with some witty German repartee. Ironically, Spain gave their maximum to Italy. So who know, maybe Spain do know a good tune when it hears one.
Alice is 65 today.
Buon compleanno, Alice!