I’ve seen worse services than this on a Bank Holiday in Cambridgeshire. Oh well, anyway. Let’s get another three slated.
Starting with Latvia, who I increasingly realise have brought us a really strong melody and then totally Latviaed it up with a very silly lyric that ought to be a touch sillier than it is. The backdrop still looks like a burglary in a pan-dimensional haberdashery, and that alone should ensure that it gets some love.
Albania… well, what’s to be said. It’s all a bit Sweet People only with more emphasis on screaming the word QAAAAAAAAAJ at frequent intervals. I’m not sure what it means, but I think it’s a hybrid road vehicle, half Ford Ka and half Nissan Qashqai. Accordingly, the Top Gear crowd will be all in for it and it’s certainly going to get some love.
Romania still seem like they want to be a contender, and I can guarantee that TVR will win this contest in the next five years, but unfortunately, they’ve forgotten that as well as borrowing a pan-dimensional hit that I’ve never heard of, they need a big finish for their song and also that comedy gigantic Mickey Mouse ears are supposed to be worn on top of the head rather than on the front of the chest. Will stall in the final, but in this bit, it’s destined for getting quite a lot of love.
Right, time for a nice spot of lunch I think. A little bread and a little quiche, as Nicole once sang.