eeerm …. words are not whats needed here more than quiet guffaws of laughter!! – they are a pair of kids in an ikkle big world but it is enveloping them. They are not suited to this contest and, unfortunately, it shows!! – they have no choreography at any stage, except… now wait for this…. they… SIGN the words of the chorus…
Now, you have picked yourselves off the floor, it’s true, they sign for the deaf, or musically challenged, the chorus…. Make of this what you will, but they are going to finish at the bottom of the heap with no escape of this semi final!! They are going to be in white, looking not unlike a younger Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) – and dead is what this song is… not resting.. but dead as a dodo!!
We await something more exciting….. but its Monaco next… and then, the rescheduled Moldovans!!! Onward reader!