It was all looking so promising for a few minutes there, but now we’re back to the dirges.
The Latvians have called their song What For? which is surely a very dangerous thing to do because it leaves me and perhaps many others asking the same question. There were many songs in the Latvian final I hear. Was this really the best or even in the top 100?….
Catherine says that this makes her face ache, but by the look of things that’s what’s happening to our singer. She’s certainly in pain of some sort judging by the caterwauling coming from the hall.
Mr Roy says she has a good voice and just hasn’t adjusted her range and tempo to the hall. By the sound of things her range and tempo decided to go somewhere warmer and avoid rainy Oslo altogether.
There surely won’t be any viewers left in semi final one once this has been on…
For those fetishists among you that like to visit S&M dungeons for pain, save your money and just listen to this instead. It will be far cheaper …
Phil: So, Mr God, what have you got to say for yourself by letting this “singer” attempt this “song” in many different keys with very little choreography?? So, so-called MISTER God, have you got any redeeming features?
Actually no – she will be wearing a very bad cream dress and everything will be on her – its more her especially her in this one … and that makes it a very bad song, and I am not so sure where it’s going to be going apart from in the bin. Aisha really doesn’t have a good voice at all, and by that I mean that she is off key or, on the other side of the coin, the song could have a free-form structure in which case she is doing terribly well. You Decide 😉
Nick: Dear God … No! The set dressers have decided that it’s curtains for Latvia; I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. This is a car crash of a rehearsal session. I had doubts about Aisha’s live performance following her Eirodziesma triumph, and I shouldn’t have had any doubts at all.
This performance needs emergency surgery. Nurse, scrub up and get me some bathroom tiles and a tub of Norvegia…