Lithuania…. 6th Worst song??

Vilija Matačiūnaitė

ATTENTION!!!! – This only has to be the sixth worst song in this bit to qualify and its just about there.  Dance wise its the same old shite you would expect and, to be fair, it’s going to get the Lithuanian result in this bit (i.e qualifying) – Staged with lots of lights and just her and a dancer on stage, but again its the old Eastern European Distraction technique of hiding a bad song with some choreography and making it all OK…

You can’t get away from the fact that,despite the lights, and the Dancing, It’s a shouty repetitive song that has the DNA of Diaspora voting written all the way through it.  In this case that’s not bad.

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James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago

How many 50 shades of shit is this?