I’m presuming that the Lithuanians can bank a 12 from Ireland and an 8+ from the UK of stuff. Not a lot else in the way of guaranteed points. So can it pull some votes on the attractiveness of the song/performance alone?
Yes, yes it can. It’s a great opener to the semifinal, it’s got gag moments galore, it’s got the best use of a spare onstage person evah, and it’s got some Nasty Flashing Lights and I wish people wouldn’t do that, immediately followed by some nasty flashing Lithuanians. So is it going to pull enough votes to reach what could turn out to be an unusually low target in a very evenly matched semifinal?
…not sure.
Edit: Oh, my maths under pressure are under pressure there. They can’t bank a 12 from Ireland and an 8+ from the UK of stuff because the general public only gets half the say these days.
Honestly, you take one year off from reporting this thing and they change it all! 🙂
Phil: InCulto are suffering from bad camera work here. The song, upon admitted repeated listens, isn’t half bad to be honest but I dont think it’s going to get enough votes to qualify, much as I would like it too!, but the middle bit where they stand in a circle and sing ” get up and dance……” has now gone black with white up-lighting and looks slightly dark and miserable.
Though the band have gained sparkly hot pants when they take their trousers off as they did in the National Final (and very fetching they are too if you like that sort of thing) and their Adidas trainers set it off a treat.
Odd one this one…..I can’t see it picking votes up, and yet I can also see it getting through.
I are confused!!