Now some would say that I’ve been a bit negative … and you’d be right! But seriously, I can see the good in things, and I always use the “televoter in Lviv” opinion in mind as well.
Poor old Televoter – He’s going to be in trouble with these three!
Norvegia, Christine Guldbranson (or Kate) – is a very good song – if you like that sort of thing. She gives a confident performance, albeit with one drawback. It’s in Norwegian. When the televoters come to pick the phone , I seriously doubt that Norwegian language voters are going to number millions. It’s a serious song, but would be better in English. Minimal choreography with violins.
Spain – however, is a dogs breakfast of a thing. It has chairs and shit and four people claiming to sing. Its just shit in a bag, served on a plate. I have never got through three minutes of this before today, because the first four lines are enough to have me reaching for the Swedish Entry (in alphabetical order). There is lots of choreography in this one, with dancers and chairs and things and they are sitting up and down and dancing. Noticeable by the lack of “Espana, Espana” in the hall, they may be stars, but on this evidence, they may be ending their career on Saturday! Bloody Mary?? Bloody Shambles more like.
Malta – He still doesn’t! – He does perform the hell off the weak song though and has lots of choreography and has Fab typically bouncy performance which is going to come across well, and coming after the arse that is Spain, He is going to get a hat loads of votes, I think.