I’ve just come out of Fabrizio’s first full run through (he who *was* going to be nicknamed Fab but now isn’t), and it was thirty shades of hideous. I was sitting with a Spencer-shaped member of the Swiss delegation and a Julie-shaped member of the Macedonian one, and we really just turned to look at each other in increasing horror. They’ve got plenty of time to fix things, and people might come out of later run throughs with a more rounded view, but it was horribly off-key at times and looked naff and I’m not sure I’m in a good mood anymore. It was like tucking into a big bowl of chocolate ice cream and discovering that it’s an entire bowl of bugs. Yuk. Malta to the not qualifying and possibly finishing last in the Moldova-Has-Friends-And-Malta-Doesn’t stylee.
Spain’s Office World advert is a smidge messy, as Hacksaw reports, but it’s exactly the sort of thing that’s pleasant to listen to when you’re sipping a drink on a sunny afternoon when you’re on holiday. Which, strangely enough, I am. So as car-crash as Moldova was earlier on, Malta’s the first thing today that I’ve actively disliked.
Next time you hear from me, I’ll be explaining exactly how, why, and by how many points Sidsel is to the wonning. I might make passing mention of Texas Lightning as well, but it’s really Sidsel you all want to hear about, yes? No? Possibly?