Phil: Do you see what I attempted there! Nelly Ciobanu is another one that is sailing through to the Final – despite the protestations of many. This is a good, old fashioned, East European Knock-a-bout song that lots of people will get to hum along to – have a smile on their face and go “That’ll do for me” and pick the phone up for…
It is a piece of sheer genius – and something that makes the 2nd Semi far richer musically than the first.. She looks into the camera and dances about and does the usual things but she has got rid of the English at the start and moved it to the middle of the song.
Money on it to qualify? – I think so!
Franko: I may have got the title wrong but I think that’s what she’s singing. This really shouldn’t work at all, but somehow the stars are aligned and it’s quite simply brilliant. All the corny lyrics and the traditional Moldovan dance moves and the cheesy beat bind together to make a thing of wonderfulness the like of which I have seen very little of in this week’s rehearsals. The final would be a poorer place without it.
For the first time today I am a happy boy!