Arrived just in time to hear the mawkish saccharine of Switzerland International oozing out of the hall like treacle. As distasteful as I find it, it sounded pretty powerful, and word on the street has it that it was pretty strong.
I’m sat in their press conf now, and by heck, that Maltese one is browner and more open-shirted than the medallion man parody dancers from Iceland!
Just got to see Moldova. Man alive it’s special. But more in a Special Olympics kinda way. I don’t mind the song all that much, to be honest, although I sense it’ll grate on repeated hearing – but the performance was pretty shocking. Now they may be hiding their light under a bushel, but they seemed more like a bus queue than a coherent band, and were just wandering about aimlessly, stepping out from behind a huge sharks fin, and tootling about on a scooter, all in a scrappy rambling mess. One would hope that it’s just an early adopter blip and it’ll all be ironed out soon!
Oof, there’s lots of talk of messages of better worlds in this press conf at the mo, and my teeth are beginning to hurt already. Suddenly Eddie Butler seems like a preferable option…