Now, I’ll be entirely honest here, Moldova and Armenia haven’t had my full attention, as I’ve been live chatting with EE customer service convincing them that my Foreign experience would be so much more awesome if I had mobile roaming activated. That took about half an hour all told, all good fun.
Didn’t see enough of Moldova to form a full judgement, but if the Brits amongst you think Kevin the Teenager invades the Kenny Everett Television Show, you’re pretty much there.
Armenia seems to be Armenia’s Greatest Hits, with a dash of If We All Give A Little. And by “dash”, I mean “entire bottle”. SPLUT. That’s an Armenian entry for Armenian people. Perfectly well performed, but leaves me writing inappropriate new lyrics to stem the boredom. “Time is ticking and I like chicken, it’s finger-lickingly good….”. Meh. Not for me.