Nick: Not sure about this one. Either it’s grown on me, or it’s the sort of song that only works if you’ve been watching an empty sofa in soft lighting for half an hour beforehand. Nah, it’s cosy, it’s intimate, Geta bounces around on the sofa like Sid Vicious on a trampoline[1], trumpety bloke has a good play with his horn[2], and it’s just as relaxed as an old pair of jeans and a mug of Horlicks. On balance, given that Love or Leave didn’t, I don’t think this has found the ingredient that was missing from it.
[1] Technically this is a lie.[2] Dear BBC, I am interested in your vacancy for presenter of I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue. I have considerable experience in identifying crumbling old fossils of uncertain origin… let’s meet the teams.
Mrs Trellis,
North Wales.
Phil: zzzzzzzzzzzzz. My God, this is a boring song – It has absolutely no saving grace at all I am afraid. the white sofa doesn’t even start to cheer Europe up on this one. It is not that bad per se, but it is more, well, dirge than song to be honest. It is, as many Lithuanian songs have been lately, so out of place in the contest that it will be passed by, by most of Europe, and even it’s traditional Friends will have trouble voting for this one. In Fact, it is a song rather in the UK mode, more forgettable than boring.