Following on from Slovak weddings, I also often wonder: “What could I do with a bugle, a traffic cone and a disused unicycle…” – clearly TVM thought the same and presented them to Zdub di thingummy as a Christmas present and said: “If you use all of these in THREE earth minutes, we’ll give you the ticket.”
And so, my European children, it came to pass. Nick, who is currently lying on the Press Centre Chill Out Beds, has said that this is qualifying because its the first uptempo one of the evening, and that would upset me – principally because I think the song is a pile of cack. However, he does have a point (I don’t only bring him here for the cheese you know!) and a very good one at that.
Europe’s public, stunned by the Austrian lovely girls contest, will have had nothing to pique their interest until this one, and therefore it feels like it should qualify not on merit – but because ten of the available songs simply have to!!