This is an ungodly hour to be up and at work watching Moldova gyrate

So yeah, Wiener Philharmonik sounded good. Zubin Mehta gives decent dirigenting. Rudolf Buchbinder a perfectly respectable Klavierer. However, I stood in a two inch deep puddle on the way out and got my foot wet. That’s the capsule review – pics and possibly video (of the concert, not the puddle) may follow later if any of us decide we’re still interested.

Anyway, we’re back to Semi 1 again, and with 16 twenty minuteses to do, we have to start at the unfriendly hour of 10:20 local time. So Moldova.

We didn’t see much Moldova on Monday, and four days in, Eduard must be sulking about going on first in semi 1. There are points in this contest that desperately need some driving beaty sleaze – the stuff that would make John Barrowman say “That! Was! Eurovision!”. First in semi 1, not so much.

I’m ambivalent. I think it’ll be really hard to get out of the heat here – 1st is a traditional running slot graveyard for televotes, jurors may not see beyond the expanses of flesh and just say “no” – but on the other hand, I think the grand final needs one of these somewhere to break the potential monotony. What Eduard has chosen to do, he probably does as well as is possible.