There is NO SOUND in the press centre at the moment so we’re a little bit screwed..
Lidia from Moldova has been on stage and she looks like she is going to sing, but we never see her. She has the Astronaut from the preview video (nice helmet!!) to reveal a semi good looking man in lycra!! – Lidia, however, is wearing a horrific beige number which looks like Velour and she has a backside that Kim Kardashian botox in her arse it appears.
Hopefully sound soon!!!
Right – we’re back with sound now… so lets look at a full rehearsal of this….
It’s still mediocre at best… Lidia looks very nervous at the beginning of the song and then starts dancing with the aforementioned cosmonaut to very little effect. The off stage backing singers seem to be in the wrong key for the song but, overall, very very average indeed.