The sound is a technical problem, apparently, not a Greek whim. They’ve just announced they’re ‘really working on it’ to get it back for us, and by proxy, for you, dear reader. Meanwhile we’ve got some Moldovan silence for you.
Lidia’s in a plain beige frock and trainers: hopefully just her civvies for this run-through. She’s alone on stage at first but they – lo! – the spaceman from the newly released video creeps up on her from behind and slips her his helmet. He’s quite spunky once we get to see him. Perhaps he’ll do the same to me before the week is out…
We have the sound back on mid-way for the second run-through to great cheers. She sounds alright to me, you know. I don’t have much hope for this but after Finland and – probably – Greece, this is a lively one. There’s a lot to beat in this semi, and the odds are stacked against Lidia, but this does have enough to squeeze through if anyone else falters. But that’s a big if.
Monty x