Do you remember when our friends in the Netherlands won Tel Aviv? It seemed like a golden age for the Dutch had arrived. As we know, Eurovision is a very fickle beast, and those changes from hero to zero can come along very quickly.
In three contests, the Dutch had a win, a decent hosting (even though the result wasn’t desired) and a finish on the left-hand side of the scoreboard. Not bad. So, onto sunny Liverpool, when the snappily named AVROTROS sent today’s birthday girl Mia Nicholai (née Michaja Nicolaï) with her pal Dion Cooper had the honour. Would another good result follow? Well, those on Merseyside on the Tuesday evening saw Mia and Dion score from five sets of televotes. Sadly it wasn’t quite enough to see them through to the Saturday night final. Still, it meant they point and laugh at the 26 that did make it.
Mia is 28 today.
Gefeliciteerd, Mia!