
Eurovision Press Centre in 2011

I have a few idle moments from my day job, so I can catch up on stuff. The catering here at the press centre is very nice. They do a fairly good slap up main course for under €9. That may sound pricey, but the pork cutlet with potatoes and kohlrabi I had today was very filling. They even threw in a chocolate pudding dessert. Sadly I forgot my camera so can’t show any dessert porn. But believe me, they are looking after us.

More rehearsals have happened to either please or annoy the eardrums. Belgium is on as I type this, and I’m not sure why they bother. They are good at what they do, but acapella at Eurovision is not right. It’s not even good. There’s a joke going round that we’re all after the karaoke version of the Belgian song. We just need some gullible ‘journalist’ to ask the question at the press conference.


The Netherlands didn’t have a much better rehearsal, meaning Austria will stand out. And we like Austria cos she’s ace. She had an outstanding time on stage. We weren’t sure whether she’d be a Lisa Andreas or a Glennis (dis)Grace. She is most definitely the former.

There is an OGAE party tonight at the den of inequity that is the Euroclub. And maybe there’s a Bosnian party somewhere else in town. And Greek party. So I may have some interesting tales to tell tomorrow.
