Apologies for my delayed arrival at the OE Press Centre this morning – got lost in our frankly cavernous and well-appointed surroundings. Always takes a while to get your bearings on day 1.
So, Poland and Norway. Two very different songs with the same fundamental problem. They’ve somehow not realised that whilst this is a contest for three-minute songs, you don’t HAVE to use all three minutes – and if you must, it’s a good idea to develop and vary your themes over the course of the three minutes.
Having said that, Poland seems to be making a better fist of it, and running out of ideas and yowling like a cat for the last 30 seconds never did Edyta Gorniak any harm. Norway – well, it might take off when she’s got a crowd in front of her, but in the rehearsal clip we’ve seen so far (en near-enough direct from the arena courtesy of ESCDaily’s YouTube channel), it all looks a bit flat and lifeless.

Think there’s a couple more this morning before we head off to the ‘Press Centre Cafe’ for a late breakfast…