Phil: Finally – something that is worth all the pain that I have gone through today to get to a decent song. This has improved markedly on its first rehearsal, mainly because everything else has gone downhill quickly around it!! She still looks like a stereotypical fat Norwegian singer from years gone by but, and it is a big but, in it’s own right, it is a “nice” song that has turned the heads in the press centre along the lines of people now saying with more conviction “That’s going to qualify”. I am tending to agree with them now I am seeing it in a different light. Probably qualifying – and in the company it has in the draw, definitely qualifying
Nick: Norway is sailing straight into the Saturday show without even trying. That is all. We now return you to your scheduled blog.
Roy: Oh now, I’d not given this tune a light, even up to it’s first rehearsal. And it’s not got any better either. But while all others fall around it with their over blown shows and trying-to-hard faces, this is what I’ve been rattling on about all week – a nice and simple song done nice and simply.
There’s a proper groundswell of opinion kicking in with this one, and while it’s not winner by any means, you can imagine this sneaking in at 6th or 7th in the qualifyings.
It’s the kind of faux soul song that the mums across Europe who think they know music ‘cos they like Amy Shitehouse will go for – and that very constituent population could see it through.
Keep half an eye on this ‘un…
Franko: Okay it’s hot and I really can’t be that bothered to review Norway truth be told. It’s not really my kind of song, fairly tedious. It’s chances of qualifying have increased somewhat with what went before. If it’s your style of song rejoice, if not then remember there’s got to be some canon fodder in the final to provide the amusement when the big guns rack up the points…