Is there something separating us, Leonor?

So our loyal reader (Brazil branch) gave us a bit of stick on Wednesday for being so harsh about this. It’s a fair point, so I’m doing a fuller explanation. There’s a handy countdown timer on the screen so we can pinpoint the trajectory of doom.

Second 0 to about second 39: real, enormous promise of good things to come. A moody drum-driven intro, a nice build and bridge into the chorus. This could be very interesting!

Second 40 to about second 70: great first line of chorus! Yes! Hmm, second line’s quite like the first line. Third line… That’s not dissimilar. I wonder how many lines this chorus has got? Oh, ok, so that’s the chorus. Well, ok.

Second 7o to second 110: actually, this verse isn’t as interesting as I remember it being first time around.

Second 110 to second 175: oh, there’s that one line chorus again. And again. This is a very long three minutes.

Second 175 to second 180: still got a few seconds spare, so ICYMI – there’s a mar that nos separa.

I just feel that the Portuguese could have taken a tip from the Finns – if you’re really stretching limited material to fill three minutes, why not just not use your whole three minutes? Overwhelming sense of being promised much and delivered little. Don’t leave your audience wanting less. Schoolboy error.

That’ll leave Portuguese people confused and angry next Thursday about why Europe doesn’t like them. Some years, there’s a mar that nos separa…