Portugal – Hmmmm NO!

Leonora got so bored with this song, she gave up at the end and quite honestly that’s what Europe is going to do as well. This has classic “Toilet Break” written all over it. It just, in my opinion, has no redeeming features at all…. It has the kind of beat that should be left in the 1980’s and so should this song. She does know where the camera is, but only because it’s the one with the red light on it one feels but there is such a disconnect between her and the audience and the song it’s painful.

She’s trying to look menacing when she is scowling down the camera at me but it just looks camp and silly!!- Probably not out of place in this contest but her long cape and wind machinations are not helping matters. It doesn’t make my ears bleed, but it needs a serious injection of something to stop it coming stone cold last.