Stars of international TV!

A strange thing happened last night. I found myself standing next to Suzy from Portugal as she posed for pictures, only for her to lean over and tell me “I saw you on TV tonight”. I saw you on TV last night I thought. Then today the woman we’re renting the flat off texted to say she too had seen us. What could it be, I wondered? Well, it’s this, a documentary following well-known Eurovisionista Keith Mills in which Rosé and I star (or at least appear). I haven’t watched it yet but we seem to appear at about 13 minutes in. See, we don’t just blog, we’re international socialites too.!/15:28

Monty x

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10 years ago

Great for you guys!

I would love it Suzy came up and recognized me!

Well done on your blog I have enjoyed reading.

10 years ago

Ah bless, you all looked lovely on the tellybox! And I’d say you looked a lot fresher than you do today!!! 🙂