There has been a couple of rumblings…….


…. that my reporting of the Portuguese rehearsal today was, shall we say, a little wide of the mark.

One commenter, who shall remain nameless, has said that they have viewed “20 blogs and all of them were positive”……

Well now we’re back at OnEurope Towers in Copenhagen, we did a bit of research and had a look at the most popular ones.

We went to Euroision Ireland, Eurovisionary, Wiwibloggs, Sofabet, ESCXtra, ESC United, ESC-Chat and OGAE UK for their opinions and we found that only ESCUnited were “positive” – Eurovisionary, Wiwibloggs, Sofabet, ESCXtra and ESC-Chat and OGAE UK were neutral and only ESC United were positive.

Now, correct me if I am wrong here,  but that doesn’t sound all that positive for me – at best it sounds, well, Neutral.

If you spot a positive review of Portugal, can you let me know so I can check it out and, possibly, amend my article accordingly? – That’s not meant as sarcastic as it’s read, but if there are positive reviews, and you say they exist, I can’t find them and I want to judge them in the same way you have judged mine.  Thats all I ask!!

If we were all Neutral and/or told you the songs were all good, we’d read the same as the official site and not worth our accreditations!! – We told you at the start of this you’ll get opinions and, frankly, you are free to read other sites and make your own mind up but be prepared to be challenged if you make statements like “20 blogs were positive – you do this because you are English”.

UPDATE – Our commenter came back to us and proceeded to comment on ALL of the above, cheers for that – however I did notice that many of the said neutral things about the vocals, 2 or 3 said it was “strong” or “improved” – I guess they have gone to the “If you can’t say anything positive, say nothing at all” school of reporting because they don’t want to rock the boat. I won’t repost all the comment, as it’s not worth it – however they do say : “if these reviews aren’t positive then I wonder what they are, but whatever sister, keep hating as always, you’re the “expert” after all (LOL).” – I strongly suggest that you read another blog because this “sister” isn’t and never has claimed to be an expert and I aint changing – mind you, you are Portuguese so perhaps you could be blighted by nationalism perhaps??

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James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago

You tell it like it is, 50 shades of pants…

10 years ago

The song us shite…end off

10 years ago

Don’t worry, I’m Portuguese and I loved your review. Song’s awful anyway and she couldn’t even sing it at the NF. That’s a fact. Present staging and styling could be a child’s work. What’s new, lol?

Reviews weren’t all neutral, mind you. ESCtips, ESCnation and EurovisionIreland (all 3 or 4 of them) were pretty negative as well!

Keep up the excellent work, we’re loving it. I’m only missing Franko and Nick. Will they come eventually? Cheers xD

10 years ago
Reply to  henrique

Franko is threatening to return later today. Currently wrestling with the consequences of having moved house at the weekend. Don’t worry though, I’m sharpening my knife and there’ll be blood 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  Franko

Great news! Love threats like that 😀