17 August – Come on sing along

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It would be a dull old Eurovision if all the songs sounded the same. They obviously don’t, otherwise they’d all finish up with the same number of points. But whilst they all want to stand out, some stand out because they are so different.

Today’s offering marries those two pinnacles of musical styles. Rap and yodelling. It’s a mash-up that we’ve been screaming for for years. No? Maybe just us then. Well today’s birthday girl Maria Ilinca Băcilă – known as Ilinca – was the yodelling half of the collaboration of collaborations. It all seemed to go well until the very very end, when it then just got a little awkward. Nevertheless, the song still finished seventh. Was it the rap? The yodel? Or the fabulous fabulous cannons?

Ilinca is 26 today.

La mulți ani, Ilinca!