Romania’s 26587777th rehearsal

Phil: I just watched this and got the phrase “meh” come across my lips..

There is nothing wrong with it per se, however my only issue with it is, that it is very forgettable and sane. Not normally going to be a problem, bit with the 2 that have gone before it, I think that the niceness that this portrays will be lost amongst the insanity that is to come with ice skating and books ( of the non Anna variety) to come I suspect it’s going to get lost…

It’s saving grace is also that it is sane.. – It could be the thing that is needed before the Ice Skating and the Non-Anna Book that is going to make people pick up the phone and vote.

As i said – MEH!

Nick: Adrian Chiles and Christine Bleakley, if I’m any judge, taking a couple of days off from hosting The ONE Show on the BBC. They still claim to be Nico and Vlad though, so I’ll take their word for it.

It’s the right song at the right time. There’s always a place for a little oasis of relative sanity after the chaos that precedes it, and it comes through strong. It’d die a death in the first part of a running order, or in the midst of a run of vanilla ballads, but next Tuesday it has no such concerns. No, it’s nice is that. That’ll certainly get its share of votes, and not just from countries nearby.