12 October – What is the secret behind Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?

There are occasions when songs come along that completely throw you. And sometimes in a good way. You think you know where a song’s going, and then it sends you a curved ball. This can be a good thing, and waken you from your Peroni-induced stupor.

In beautiful Turin/Torino in 2022, Serbia sent today’s birthday girl Констракта/Konstrakta (née Ана Игњатовић/Ana Ignjatović, aka Ана Ђурић/Ana Đurić). Her red-cross-inspired outfit drew the first interested gazes, and then she performed. Water on stage? Isn’t that dangerous? Towels on stage? Isn’t that innovative? Singing about Duchesses, skin complexions and healthcare? Isn’t that avant garde? It worked. In a world of key-changing schlager and costume changes, Konstrakta took things in a different direction with changes of key, grim-looking backing singers and hypnotic clapping. Maybe some other countries having lesser firtunes should take note, and it earned her a creditable fifth spot.

Konstrakta is 45 today.

Срећан рођендан, Констракта!