Now, you remember the 1960s, don’t you? 1963 jazzy wins, so 1964 everyone does jazzy (apart from the UK). 1964 nice ballad wins, so 1965 everyone does nice ballad (except the UK, obviously). 1965, and swinging Luxembourg drags it into the modern world, so 1966 everyone does swinging sixties (apart from Kenneth McKellar). And so on and so on, until we reach the swinging 2014. “I look like whatever the f**k I want to look like” wins, and so in 2015 the UK gets a short back and sides and a delightful frock and puts them on different people. Sigh.
Meanwhile, Serbia has caught the prevailing wind, and sings a song about looking like whatever the f**k she wants to look like while looking like whatever the f**k she wants to look like, while her backing singers – and I say this in a loving and caring way – look like whatever the f**k they want to look like. Words cannot describe the pictures, and from here we’re not allowed to take pictures…
It’s good. It’s very good. Bojana’s one heck of a singer. But it’s not really right. It’s a Eurovision song for Eurovision people, but, you know… last year never wins. (Except in 1972 – 1973, and 1975). #surprisingeurovisionstatoftheday