You sit at this contest and you think “Angelica Agurbash was soooo last decade” and then you see what Bojana who is dressed to impress….. the tent makers of Europe clearly.
She’s a woman of ample figure but there are some ill advised wide shots in this that are not flattering, and thats not a dig, thats just a fact. The dancing with the flags is so….. “gay” it is untrue and the backing singers are signing for the deaf and a costume change and all sorts of things you would see at the Blue Oyster Bar. This has been changed from the Serbian show of it being decent to have now become a disaster *of* Agurbash proportions. It’s overplayed, overhyped and over here.
Vocally, it is just fine. Bojana is, as they say round here, a belter and boy does she belt this out but, and it’s a big but, it just needs rainbow flags to be the whole 9 yards. It might get through because it is typical semi final fodder (Aiming at the fans that will watch), however in reality it *should* die on its silver sparkly clad arse! Beauty may not lie, but thankfully neither do votes. I hate this with a passion.