Vocals so ropy that sailors couldn’t tie knots

milan stanković

I’m well aware that this is viewed as a leading contender by many, but I just can’t settle to it. Milan Stanković – our lead singer – looks like he’s escaped from the first series of Black Adder. He’s clearly not interested in being fashionable or cool and in Eurovision terms that’s a serious vote loser.

On the plus side we have our first props of the contest with a selection of cut off waste pipes for our performers to jump out of and simulate sex in.

On the minus side some of the vocals are so ropy that sailors would be able to tie knots in them.

Last year proves that Serbia aren’t an automatic shoe-in for qualification even with neighbourly votes and this song is no friend of the jury so better beware.

The choreography is competent enough, I just find myself being totally underwhelmed by it. If I was a betting man I’d say it will get through but it’s about as much fun as mass grave…

But then people in this contest rarely vote on talent and merit….

Foto: Vincent Hasselg�rd, Aktiv I Oslo.no
Foto: Vincent Hasselg�rd, Aktiv I Oslo.no (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Phil: Well I did have this for the qualifying, and now I am not so sure, but I still think it has a huge shout. Milan (posibly Inter as opposed to AC) still gives this song a lot of attack, but then again he really has to. He is, however, having trouble getting through three minutes of his own song without him sounding like he has a 20 a day habit of some kind but, and it’s a big but where this contest is concerned, it is uptempo enough to get votes from not only “the usual suspects” in this semi final, but it could just do enough damage to the other songs in the first half of this semi final to get thought, though not as comfortably as I first thought. We have just seen the stage outfits and, cor blimey, they are not only a little bit hideous, they are LOTS of shades of wrong in a wrong stylee. Imagine, if you will, a tight fitting blue suit – that’s it, basically…

*edit* – They have just shown the stage outfits…. Grey and Red…. Just when you think it really couldn’t get any worse… it just did!

It’s clearly home time as, well, there are no more songs today!

Nick: Now, I had vague hopes for this to come out of the pack in rehearsals. It’s not quite doing it so far – samobalosamobalosamobalosamobalo’s really doing for him in these run-throughs. The staging is close to being effective, with the five protagonists starting the song in Blake’s Seven-style teleport tubes, but not enough’s made of it really… it comes across as “Hmm, that Ani Lorak thing looked good a couple of years ago, let’s do something similar.”

I want this one to be great, and it’s just falling short for me.

Pasta bolognese at the press centre cafe, on the other hand, was well worth the price. This may well turn out to be our eaterie of choice. In fact, if it doesn’t stop raining soon, we may be here for the fortnight!

One thumb sideways for Serbia. Didn’t do what it’s supposed to.