Nick: The last run through of this had better be good. They’re carefully choreographing everything to within an inch of its life – except for Rebeka’s vocal cords, which are being pretty much left to their own devices. I suspect that she’ll be wearing less at the end than she does at the start. There’s a sort of cage, but it’s not a proper Jet Set type cage like last year, there are ties that bind, but not many of them, and, well, so far if I had a dog I’d feed this to the dog really early in the morning at about breakfast time. What I’m getting at is that it’s a dog’s breakfast.
I’ve been joined in the sumptuous, air conditioned press centre by somebody called Roger who claims to be with the Norwegian delegation but is clearly actually from somewhere nearer to Norwich. He’s not all that impressed either.
The stage is looking like a representation of a giant plastic spork. Sort of. My descriptive powers are failing me consequentially. There’s a shade of green in this that’ll break your hi-def, seriously.
Right, let’s have this proper run through then… right. What’s Slovenian for “To hell in a hand basket”?
Only one more to go, lads, and then we can wander off and do even *less* work! Hurrah!
Franko: This one could go either of two ways. I have a sneaking regard for the song but her vocals are woefully inadequate. There’s loads of choreography from two backing boys clad in S&M gear and on reins who derobe her partially but she barely moves her herself in the way that this song would need. It’s typical Slovene fair really and in a normal year you could say for sure it was for the drop, but we know from our rather spooky two days in Belgravia that these are not normal times so anything could happen. My inclination is no but who am I to insult a former Yugoslav on a day that shall not be mentioned in polite conversation? It will certainly please the 90% of the press contingent who’s sexual preferences also should not be mentioned in polite conversation in these parts.
Onto Norway and the last of the day…. mercifully…